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Chart Ranges

Chart Ranges allow you to define the time ranges available for end-users when accessing charts trends in your Visual KPI instance. You find the Chart Dates Configuration under Site Settings (options28 icon) in the Document Actions panel.

Chart Range NameThe name of the Chart Range as it appears to users.
Display OrderThe numeric value that overrides the default alphanumeric order of Chart Ranges. Chart Ranges with blanks will be sorted alphanumerically and displayed below Chart Ranges with numbers.
Start TimeStart of the time range for the Chart Range. (Note: The Start Time must be < the End Time, and the value can be an actual or relative date. e.g. 6/12/2019 or *-7Days).
End TimeEnd time range for the Chart Range. (Note: The End Time must be > the Start Time, and the value can be an actual or relative date. e.g. 6/12/2019 or *-7Days).
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