Visual KPI Website
The Website settings described on this page allow you to define basic configuration information for your Visual KPI instances. You find the Website configurations under Site Settings () in the Document Actions panel. Use the buttons below to access the desired category:
Site Basics
System Services
Tab Defaults
Column Defaults
Text, Number and Size Defaults
Geo Map and Near Me Settings
Chart & Table Settings
Page and Information Visibility Settings
KPI Settings
Group Map Settings
KPI Block (Widget) Settings
Time Range / Event Range Settings
Comment Settings
Calculation Settings
Watchlist Settings
Security Settings
Site Basics
Attribute | Description |
Site Title | Website title displayed in the browser title bar. |
Default Attribute Grouping | Default setting for attribute grouping of KPIs, charts and tables. |
Site Administrator Contact | Visual KPI site administrator contact (will also be used for cache server error notifications). |
Site Logo Link | Default link action when clicking site logos. |
Screen Data Update Interval | Controls screen data update interval (in seconds) for web pages. A setting of 0 will turn off page data refresh. (Note: This should not be faster than your cache cycle as the cache time determines how often data is refreshed on the server). |
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System Services
Attribute | Description |
Cache Alert Notification Protocol | Cache server error notification delivery mechanism. |
Cache Alert Reminder Interval | Controls how often (in minutes) cache server error alerts are sent to the site administrator. |
Cache Warning Interval | Determines how long (in minutes) should elapse prior to displaying a site level cache failure warning (a setting of 0 will always hide this warning). |
Alert Warning Interval | Determines how long (in minutes) should elapse prior to displaying a site level alert failure warning (a setting of 0 will always hide this warning). |
Status History Warning Interval | Determines how long (in minutes) should elapse prior to displaying a site level status history failure warning (a setting of 0 will always hide this warning). |
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Tab Defaults
Attribute | Description |
Default Tab | Determines the default tab for each group. 'System' automatically displays the first non-empty tab in this series (Groups, KPIs, Charts, Tables). |
Default Group View | Determines the default view for groups on the home page. |
Default KPI View | Determines the default view for KPIs. |
Default Chart View | Determines the default view for charts. |
Default Table View | Determines the default view for tables. |
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Column Defaults
Attribute | Description |
Default Info Column Display Name | Default name used when displaying the info column in groups, KPIs, charts and tables. |
Default KPI Actual Column Display Name | Default name used when displaying the actual column in KPIs. |
Default KPI Target Column Display Name | Default name used when displaying the target column in KPIs. |
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Text, Number and Size Defaults
Attribute | Description |
Default Numerical Format | Default numerical format string for KPIs and Info. For system defaults leave this blank. |
Lookup Text Length | Maximum length of lookup text displayed on chart cursors (0 = No lookup text displayed). |
Maximum Group Count | Maximum number of Groups initially retrieved for display. Additional Groups can be shown by clicking 'Show More' (250 max). |
Maximum Object Count | Maximum number of KPIs, Charts and Tables initially retrieved for display. Additional KPIs, Charts and Tables can be shown by clicking 'Show More' (250 max). |
Maximum KPI Map Cell Count | Maximum number of KPIs initially retrieved for display as a KPI Map. Additional KPIs can be shown by clicking 'Show More' (500 max). |
Maximum KPI Column Count | Fixed number of columns displayed on a KPI Map. A setting of System will attempt a best fit algorithm. |
Maximum Group Map Count | Maximum number of Groups initially retrieved for display as a Group Map. Additional Groups can be shown by clicking 'Show More' (200 max). |
Maximum Pareto Chart Bar Count | Maximum number of bars displayed for dynamic Pareto Charts given a large enough screen (5 min and 50 max). |
Profile Most Recently Used Count | Maximum number of recently used profiles shown in profile list (3 min and 10 max). |
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Geo Map and Near Me Settings
Attribute | Description |
Default Near Me Distance Unit | Default unit of measure for Near Me distance. |
Default Group Geo Map Label Format | Default format of Group Geo Map labels. |
Default KPI Geo Map Label Format | Default format of KPI Geo Map labels. |
Show Geo Map Info Window On Large Screens | Controls whether or not to display the pop-up Geo Map info windows on screens with 768 or more pixels of horizontal resolution. |
Show Geo Map Info Window On Small Screens | Controls whether or not to display the pop-up Geo Map info windows on screens with less than 768 pixels of horizontal resolution. |
Geo Marker Merge Factor | Controls how close geo map markers must be before merging. (Note: 1 will always keep them separated unless they have the same lat/long. Higher numbers force a merge sooner for objects when zooming. 1 min and 200 max). |
Show Location History on Geo Map | Controls whether or not location history is shown on the Geo Map. This feature requires that location data (latitude/longitude) is interfaced based. |
Location History Display Type | Controls how location history is displayed on the Geo Map. |
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Chart & Table Settings
Attribute | Description |
Enable Trend Auto Play | Controls whether or not trends will dynamically update. |
Maximum Large Screen Chart Cursors | Controls how many lockable cursors are allowed on charts displayed on screens with 768 or more pixels of horizontal resolution (10 max). |
Maximum Small Screen Chart Cursors | Controls how many lockable cursors are allowed on charts displayed on screens with less than 768 pixels of horizontal resolution (10 max). |
Show Calculations in Chart Cursors | Controls whether calculations (equations) are displayed in chart cursors. |
Show Gridlines on Trends | Controls whether or not gridlines are visible on Trends. |
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Page and Information Visibility Settings
Attribute | Description |
Sticky Header | Controls whether or not the page header will scroll as the page is scrolled. |
Show Legend | Controls whether or not page legends are displayed. |
Show Site Information | Controls whether or not the site information page is available. |
Show Group Detail | Controls whether or not Group detail pages are available. |
Show KPI Detail | Controls whether or not KPI detail pages are available. |
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KPI Settings
Attribute | Description |
Show KPI Override Indicator | Controls whether or not the KPI override indicator (*) is shown on KPIs with a status override. |
Recently Changed Time Limit | Controls how long (in minutes) the system considers a KPI status change to be 'recent'. |
Recently Changed 'Flash' Duration | Controls how long (in seconds) the KPI will 'flash' after a screen load for a recently changed KPI. Off = Never, Max = Until no longer 'recent', or any numeric value. |
KPI Status History Duration | Determines how long (in days) KPI status history should be stored (a setting of 'Forever' will keep all history, a setting of 'None Stored' will keep no history). Please note that a large number or Forever will cause the size of the Visual KPI database to grow. |
Show Limits on KPI Trends | Controls whether or not to initially display limits on KPI trends (can toggle on/off). |
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Group Map Settings
Attribute | Description |
Default Group Map KPI Cell Count | Number of KPI cells displayed on each Group Map (1 min and 20 max). |
Default Group Map Header Priority | Controls Group Map header cell behavior. 'Recently Changed' sets header to color of most recently changed KPI and Icon to overall KPI status. 'Overall' sets header to color of most severe KPI status and Icon to most recently changed status. 'Custom Colors' sets the header color to either the custom recently changed or not recently changed colors with no icons. |
Recently Changed Color | Group Map header color if one or more KPIs in the group has recently changed (applies only if Custom Colors is selected for Header Priority). |
Not Recently Changed Color | Group Map header color if no KPIs in the group have recently changed (applies only if Custom Colors is selected for Header Priority). |
Group Map Fit to Page | Controls whether or not the Group Map will be displayed on a single screen (no scrolling). This can cause large group maps to render with very small cells making it harder to read. If the cell size gets too small text will be removed. |
Default Group Map Expansion Setting | Controls whether or not the Group Map is expanded or collapsed (header only) by default. |
Group Map Header Severity | Controls how the system calculates severity of status for use in header colors and icons. (Note: Not In Service always overrides other statuses). |
Default Group Map Header Click Path | Controls what happens when a user clicks the header of a Group Map. The user will either be shown the List of the KPIs in the group (default) or the user will be taken to the first Link defined on the Group (if one exists). |
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KPI Block (Widget) Settings
Attribute | Description |
Simplify KPI Blocks with Missing Data | Simplify (remove sparkline, bullet chart, actions, statistics and contact) KPI block widget if a valid Sparkline and Bullet Chart cannot be rendered. |
Show Sparkline on KPI Blocks | Display a sparkline (trend) on KPI Blocks (note: this setting can be overridden on each block). |
Show Bullet Chart on KPI Blocks | Display a bullet chart on KPI Blocks (note: this setting can be overridden on each block). |
Show Status History Chart on KPI Blocks | Display a status history chart on KPI Blocks (note: this setting can be overridden on each block). |
Show Statistics on KPI Blocks | Display statistics on KPI Blocks (note: this setting can be overridden on each block). |
Show Actions on KPI Blocks | Display actions on KPI Blocks (note: this setting can be overridden on each block). |
Show Contact on KPI Blocks | Display KPI contact on KPI Blocks (note: this setting can be overridden on each block). |
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Time Range / Event Range Settings
Attribute | Description |
Show Time Ranges | Controls whether or not the predefined list of time ranges will be displayed on range pickers (Note: The predefined list of ranges must also be configured). |
Show Event Ranges | Controls whether or not query based event ranges will be displayed on range pickers (Note: Event Range connectstring and query must also be defined). |
Show OSIsoft AF Event Frames | Controls whether or not OSIsoft AF Event Frames will be displayed on range pickers (Note: Event Frame search criteria must be defined in an AF model with an associated AF RCS). |
Default Expanded Range Section | Controls which range selection section is expanded by default (Note: This will only apply if both event and time ranges have been configured and set to show). |
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Comment Settings
Attribute | Description |
Enable Comment Codes | Controls whether or not comment codes are enabled when entering comments. |
Comment Code Label | Controls the name of the pull-down for comment codes. |
Custom Code Label | Controls the name of the pull-down for custom comment codes. |
Secondary Code Label | Controls the name of the pull-down for secondary custom comment codes. |
Enable Point Based Comments | Controls whether or not Point based (single point in time) comments are enabled (note: If both Point Based Comments and Range Based Comments are disabled then all comments are disabled). |
Enable Range Based Comments | Controls whether or not Range based (start and end time) comments are enabled (note: If both Point Based Comments and Range Based Comments are disabled then all comments are disabled). |
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Calculation Settings
Attribute | Description |
Calculation Type | Controls how non numeric values in calculations are handled. |
Numeric Substitution Value | Substitution value for string results in numeric calculations. This is useful when dealing with exception data (i.e. BadValue) returned from data sources that are used in a calculation. |
Status Calculation | Used to determine KPI status change calculation behavior. Can be either Exceeds Only (Actual is less than a low limit or greater than a high limit) or Meets or Exceeds (Actual is less than or equal to a low limit or greater than or equal to a high limit). Note: Default = Meets or Exceeds. |
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Watchlist Settings
Attribute | Description |
Default Watchlist View | Determines the default view for Watchlist KPIs. |
Default Watchlist Attribute Grouping | Default setting for attribute grouping of Watchlist KPIs. |
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Security Settings
Attribute | Description |
Windows Security All Access Group | Windows Security Group which grants user(s) access to all objects. (Only used when the feature Object Level Security is enabled). |
Visual KPI Admin Group | Windows Security Group which grants user(s) admin rights to objects via the website. (Used for Trend Comments and Profile management). |
Enable Outbound Requests | Controls whether or not outbound links (URLs, Fonts, Google APIs, etc) are enabled (Note: Must be enabled to use Geo Maps). |
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